🅱️ about it
“The best way to become a mentally tough runner is to believe that you’re a mentally tough runner.”
A little bit about us...
Too Legit Fitness is a health fitness group established in 2011 and born out of a love for fitness, healthy living and camaraderie. We have nearly 700 members from all different walks of life and different ability levels... from recreational runners/walkers to Boston Marathoners. We all have different reasons why we train and run, including: to run a marathon or half marathon, achieve a goal, lose weight, build strength, get healthy, make new friends, maintain a healthy lifestyle, connect with others, challenge oneself, build a positive mental attitude and much more!
Our team is all about giving back! Proceeds from store sales go towards community initiatives, team gear/equipment and supplies like water and snacks at some of the events we participate in. So, make sure to visit our store and checkout all of our "cool" Too Legit Fitness gear!
Meet our Advisory Team
Ray Avalos
My Name is Ray Avalos, and I have been a proud member of Too Legit to Quit since October 2012. To touch a bit on my fitness background, I was raised in an environment where being active was the norm. I grew up playing soccer, and when I wasn’t playing soccer I would be on hikes at Alum Rock Park with the family. Soccer lead me to my love for running… My Junior year of high school I joined the cross-country team to stay in shape for soccer. I naturally excelled as a distance runner in high school and went on to run cross country at San Jose State University.
For whatever reason, possibly transition of being a young adult and having new priorities… I stopped running for nearly 7 years after college. In 2012, I was invited by my neighbor and friend Bertrand Newson (a.k.a. Coach B) to participate in a relay race at Oakland running Festival with his team Too Legit to Quit. I can’t thank Coach B enough for the encouragement and spark he provided me to find my passion for running again. Running is part of my identity. I love the adventure and peace of mind it provides me. I also use running as a competitive outlet, as it allows me to challenge myself and set new goals. Once I began to get my running fitness back, I decided I wanted to try to qualify for the Boston Marathon. In 2015, I ran the California International Marathon to qualify for my first Boston Marathon with a time of 2:56:29. At the 2016 Boston Marathon, I ran a finishing time of 2:51:08. At the 2017 running of the Boston Marathon, I ran a finishing time of 2:48:53. I look to the next opportunity for a PR!
Jim Cordoba
Web Services
In grade school and high school I participated in team sports like football and basketball. I've always enjoyed organized team sports but one thing that I really disliked was running... in my experience it was always a form of punishment. If we didn't run a drill the right way, or if a play wasn't executed correctly in practice, our "punishment" was always running laps. I've stayed pretty active (or so I thought) throughout most of my adult life. Back in September of 2011, Coach B introduced me to running as a form of exercise. I hesitated at first.. remember, in my mind, running was punishment. Coach B literally held my hand (all the way from California) through purchasing my first pair of real running shoes to my very first 5K.
Here it is 6 years later and I have participated in more 5Ks than I can count, over 20 Half- Marathons. In October of 2015 I completed my first Full Marathon in my hometown of Chicago with fellow Too Legit members, Becky Hernandez, Christine Velasquez and no other than Coach B himself. Running has become my means of therapy and I've never looked back.
I've been a part of this great team for over 5 years. Even though I'm thousands of miles away from the core-group in San Jose/San Francisco, it feels like I know each and every member. I think that is a result of the amazing group that Coach B has put together and the inclusive environment he's put in place... As you can see through all the images and events... Everyone is welcomed! Regardless of age, gender, race, etc... and in my case... lack of speed! LOL
I’m privileged to be a part of this great team that not only helps people improve their health, but also helps their local communities.
Thanks for having me!
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
– Benjamin Franklin
“Runners just do it – they run for the finish line even if someone else has reached it first.”
– Author Unknown
Nando Gonzales
Social Media
Hi I'm Nando, Husband, Father and Marine. I've been part of this group for over 6 years. Over the years this group has turned from Friends to Family. Because of this group, not only have I lost 40+ lbs but I've continued to stay active. We support one another, motivate each other, even share reviews and advice on new gear. We continually coach each other up and share tips and tricks with one another. We truly believe we are Stronger as One.
I joined the group after my second half marathon. Today, I am proud to say I've ran several 50k Ultra Marathons and will tackle my first 100 mile Endurance Run this year. I couldn't have done it without the amazing support of this team.
Becky Hernandez
Team Co-Captain
“I didn’t plan on running today but those cops came out of nowhere!” And just like that, I found my passion for running. LOL! Everyone’s story is different - some are born to run, some are born out of necessity. I started my health and fitness journey out of necessity 20 years ago, embarking on a 65-lb weight-loss journey in January 1997 by immersing myself in fitness classes and running. Joining Too Legit has been a life-changing experience, instilling in me the courage that I never thought I had. My first Too Legit team event was back in 2011, Coach B invited me to join him and a group of friends for the Warrior Dash obstacle course mud run. Now up to this point, I did all my running solo and on dry land and had absolutely no interest in getting my running shoes that dirty. But Coach B is the master at finessing you into doing something that you had no intention of doing in the first place! But so grateful he did. I embraced the team mentality and applied it to running which I always considered to be an individual sport. What makes Too Legit unique is the spirit of unity and team that is unequivocal. We are here to support and inspire each other, and to celebrate successes, big or small!
A little something about me – I’m a San Jose native and love everything Bay Area, except SF Giants…Go A’s! I’m an IT project manager for the County of Santa Clara and a part-time group exercise instructor. I also have two teenagers at home who are my shining stars.
Favorite running quote:
“Whether it’s a 6-minute mile or a 16-minute mile, a mile is still a mile.
Sylvia Loera
Community Relations
My fitness journey started in 2011 when I enrolled into a Bootcamp class. I didn’t initially set out to be a runner; my goal was to simply have an active and healthy lifestyle. Early on, I struggled through each exercise; especially running. However, through hard work, personal integrity, discipline and dedication, I was able to complete one lap around the track without stopping. Quickly thereafter I found that I was developing a passion for running and in 2013 I completed my first Full Marathon; California International Marathon. After completing a Full Marathon, I then went on to complete my first official Half Marathon race – a bit backwards but that’s how we roll, right? Although I told myself I would never do another Full Marathon, I have since completed two more Full Marathons and have two scheduled in the next 6 months.
My passion for health and fitness has also taken me to Obstacle Course Racing. To date, I've completed 15+ Spartan OCRs; having earned 5 Spartan Trifectas. Last year, I earned 3 Trifectas within a calendar year for completing 9 Spartan events (3 Beast races, 3 Super races, 3 Sprint races). In addition to Spartan, I’ve also participated in other OCRs: Gladiator, Rugged Maniac, and Mudderella. My latest fitness adventures have included completion of the Quicksilver 50K and the Avon Walk consisting of 39 miles. Throughout my fitness journey, I’ve accumulated a number of medals and some personal bests yet there are two awards I hold dear to my heart because they were recognition's received by Too Legit to Quit Fitness Club: 2015 Couple of the Year and 2016 Female Member of the Year. It is with honor and pleasure to serve in capacity of Advisory Board Member. It is a role that I serve with pride and with utmost respect.
My favorite fitness quotes:
“She believed she could, so she did.”
R.S. Grey
“The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.”
John Bingham
Bertrand "Coach B" Newson
RRCA Certified Coach
Founder/Team Captain
I’ve always enjoyed sports and outdoor activities such as softball, hiking, white water rafting and skydiving. However, after turning 40 I found myself looking to expand my fitness interest. There were several close friends that enjoyed running, but I had always been reluctant to join them due to lack of confidence in my running ability. It wasn’t until the beginning of 2011 that I decided to give running a try. I recall attempting to run a mile without stopping before my birthday in March and I was very disappointed with my effort. At that point it was clear to me in order to become a better runner I would need to pay my dues by committing to a regular training schedule that I would gradually build my endurance. March of 2011 was my first timed running event as a member of a 4 person marathon relay (26.2 miles) team that participated in the Oakland Running Festival and from that point on running became a passion for me! I’ve been blessed to have completed 350+ timed events including 70+ marathons.
Later on that year sparked the beginning of what we now know as Team Too Legit Fitness. Our team has grown immensely over the past decade as we have over 900+ members! One of the best things to ever happen to our Too Legit Fitness family was the addition of Becky Hernandez in 2011. She's played a vital role in the overall growth, leadership and being a true visionary inspiring so many along the way!
I’ve experienced many satisfying moments and accomplishments involving sports, however, there’s nothing like completing a race/event when family and friends are participating. One of my biggest sources of inspiration and motivation is my younger brother Bernardo who underwent a successful kidney transplant in 2007. We’ve shared some of our proudest moments as siblings participating side by side in fitness events and crossing finish lines in 5K’s, 10K’s, half marathons and challenging obstacle course events such as Spartan and Tough Mudder’s. I get an immense amount of joy and satisfaction by organizing group fitness events and encouraging people to get active and see them appreciate the health benefits by doing so i.e. weight loss, reduced stress, improved level of confidence and more energy!
I love the Bay Area and will continue to encourage others to embrace a healthier active lifestyle and having a social impact on the local community for those less fortunate.
My favorite fitness quotes:
"Take control of your health before your health takes control of you"
"Be about it"
"Stronger as one"
“Community Unity”
Randy Pangelina
My fitness journey started as far back as High School and into college. That was long long time ago though. My second life began one day when I was unemployed and overwhelmed with some not so good choices and feeling sorry for myself. I pulled a Forrest Gump one day while sitting in my garage. I went for a run, it became clear to me from that day, I could go back to what made me feel good about myself. Running, every day I ran a little farther and every day I felt better, my thoughts became clearer and things started to come together. I had high school friends that were doing marathons and they approached me to complete a marathon. I pretty much said “no way” and “I might be crazy but not that crazy”. Eventually I was talked into a half marathon and from there I was training for my first full marathon. I completed my first full marathon in December of 2010 with a goal of six hours. I did that first marathon in 4:24 minutes, I was hooked and set the bar to “sub 4:00” and on my third try I accomplished that. Now I have my eyes set on Boston, this was a high school dream of mine and every year I get closer to the reality and possibility of accomplishing this dream.
Running was something I could do alone, I did realize that I was lacking the discipline and fellowship of other runners. Like minded thinkers, runners have a mind all of their own and I found that common mind set, fellowship and a little craziness. I found that, when I was introduced to Coach Bertrand in 2013 at the Giants race, Bertrand made me feel at home with the other people in the group and I quickly became a part of something so great for me. Not just the physical part of Too Legit To Quit but the fellowship, the spiritual part of a group that treats every single person the same. The encouragement that came to me, not only in cheers but in many personal relationships established with so many great people. One of the greatest feelings is finishing a race, the greater feeling is finishing, turning around and bringing everyone else in. That’s true team work right there and it feels good to be a part of this team.
Many great moments and I look forward (with a smile) to the torture of February every year. Running from San Jose to San Francisco raising funds for our military veterans was one of the hardest most tiring accomplishments I have ever completed. I respect our countries flag and those who have given to us and never forgetting those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we can fly that flag and run as we do.
Favorite quote:
“Only those who risk going too far, can possibly find out how far one can go.”
— T.S. Elliot
Shelly Reyes
I first met Bertrand and Becky virtually via our 1st Taji100 in 2011. Once 2012 Taji100 kicked off, Becky and I ran day1 together after connecting via FB and texts. My email was blown up after that event w/2L2Q Team events and I couldn't quite grasp the meaning of it all since my husband and I have been working out and competing in events our entire life (childhood year round athletes and couples events as adults). I became intrigued upon seeing the fantastic happy team pictures and event recaps, so I decided to do my 1st team (and forgo the usual 2 person team) event in 2013, my fav race the Muddy Buddy, where I met so many wonderful people that I now call dear friends. And that is the reason why I truly am honored to be a part of this team. The joyous camaraderie of helping and cheering one another is really quite something to witness,a palpable joy indeed!
Now that my husband and I have embarked upon the 2nd half of our lives together, we continue to train and race, through stifling injuries to rewarding recoveries. Our mantra continues to be, "until we no longer can!" It's so amazing to see so many friends from this team in our age group and beyond not only succeed, but do so in a grand manor!
As the group has evolved over the years, the influx of new members has truly strengthened and enriched the overall team, especially with the community outreach initiatives introduced so lovely this year. I truly believe from the bottom of my heart that this team, along with it's vast array of personalities, cultures, races, and religion, can teach our country and our world how to respect and uplift our fellow human beings, which ultimately leads to a meaningful life. :)
Jackie Silva Torres
I was born and raised in Lima, Peru and came to the States when I was a teen. I was always super active and was a little bit of a tomboy. My life revolved around my school work and playing volleyball. That was my first love! In my twenties I was still active but I mainly worked out at the gym.
I didn’t pick up running until around 2001 when I desperately wanted to lose weight to fit into my wedding dress. But it wasn’t until 2008 that I found an appreciation for running and that year I completed my first half marathon. That year I become a consistent runner. Los Gatos Creek became my training ground for my future small races. With two small children to take care of, running turned into my sacred, therapeutic and solo hobby. That all changed in 2014 when I met coach Bertrand at a small race in Palo Alto. That year not only did my running miles multiplied but also my social life multiplied! Looking back at my running journey and 31 marathons later, I wouldn’t be the runner I’m now, had I not met Coach Bertrand. He taught me how to be a more compassionate, selfless and faster runner. And now thanks to our fitness group I’m a marathoner, a pacer, a volunteer in our Community Unity Initiatives and a Boston Qualifier runner.
I’m grateful to belong to a group that is always committed to highlighting our fitness successes and I love the camaraderie and fellowship our group has to offer. And speaking about successes, I’m honored and humbled to have been named Female Member of the year in 2017 and 2019. Also for two consecutive years, I was the first female participant to have completed TAJI 100-an achievement I’m very proud of.
My goal for 2020 is to continue challenging myself and continue being a positive role model to my Too Legit Fitness familia. Or as coach B would always say: Stronger As One!
My favorite running quote:
“Keep your head up, keep your heart strong” —Shalane Flanagan