Checkout our latest gear!
You can never have too much running gear. Look great, be comfortable and show the world that you are Too Legit with some of our cool fitness gear. Our gear includes quality clothing, including Technical Tees, Tank Tops, Caps, Visors, Trail Backpacks and much more.
We are constantly adding to our collection, so remember to check back often!
NEW (Limited supply)
Too Legit Fitness members participate in Represent Running Video
Too Legit members, Bertrand Newson and Jackie Silva Torres, participated in this motivational video produced by our local fitness-partner Represent Running... "Run As One"

Team Too Legit Fitness recently expanded its activities to include trail running. On any given weekend you can find a Too Legit team member on a trail near you. Please check back often for organized trail runs, including Ultra races that we'll be participating in.
“Some days are hard and some days are easier, but running has helped me to get through every day life.”